We’ve been busy with the kid starting school and getting ready for Eid and celebrating Eid and having the kid stay home from school since he wasn’t well. all happened in the space of these few days. April does seem like it has been around for a while now.
So now I am trying to get used to not having the kid for the morning. It’s strange. Like I left my heart somewhere. The first few days was hard. It still feels wrong when I walk away from the school. It also feels like the end of something. No matter how much we avoid it, we still have to go through this school phase. So it is something that we needed to do. I keep missing the moments. It’s been 4 years of growing with the kid and it’s hard to just be ok I guess. In a way it’s like grieving. But we’ll get better I guess.
1. had to capture our bookshelves after our weekly dusting.
2. I made a clay coaster but it didn’t turn out that well. haha
3. I finally did start putting up some artwork for the gallery wall.
I didn’t really think that I was ready to start my gallery wall but I wanted to put up a reminder for me so that I will remember to remind or talk to the kid about things before I send him off to school. Like it’s ok to ask for help or to say no. It’s all good reminders for the kid or for me or for us. And when I started to put one frame there, I feel like it needs another so I added more. I had this print from Etsy that I found and I really like how calm it looks. And I made my own prints of illustrations that I did before. I think so far it looks quite nice. The frames matched the mirror nicely too.
4. Eid Mubarak :)
5. finally got a temporary side table.
6. Had to take this picture of our Muji cd/radio player with our Muji chair and Muji duster :)
till next time, m