Legos, the sun and a new plant.

I haven’t realised how much time has past since I’ve updated. It’s just been busy I guess? It has been hard to find moments to do certain things. Like some things just takes more time and then all of a sudden we’re out of time.

I was also doing something small every day, like just drawing in planners that didn’t get completed/or filled up. and it has been helping me to draw a bit more than I would be. At least that’s what July/August has been feeling like. Days and nights kind of blended in together. Oh yes I did have a birthday almost a month ago. We are still doing school slowly. I started playing Pikmin 4. I’m also trying to read Dune. I started a while back and didn’t finish it and now I want to try to finish reading it before the second movie is out. I started reading it before I watched the 1984 movie I think and somehow always just not finish reading the story but this time I will try harder.

We’re almost at the last quarter of 2023, with August ending soon. It is so strange how time seems to be moving so slowly and quickly at the same time.

1. I got this LEGO set for my birthday and spend at least a week on it. That was quite nice.

2. The completed “artwork” on the wall. And also the sun shining in.

3. That almost evening glow.

4. A week’s worth of drawings.

5. Clear skies.

6. Colours from Muji.

7. dark blue and the kid’s artwork. he was doing matisse artworks he said :)

8. Excited about this Kinto jug and mug combo for my tea.

9. Another weeks worth of drawings.

10. I’ve been looking everywhere for a ficus Audrey and I couldn’t believe that I actually got one! Well I hope it is a ficus audrey haha.

11. A bit of mess but I mostly wanted to share a picture of another new plant :) Another ficus! My plant collection is definitely growing more than I expected. I should try to take a picture of each one of my plants. That’s an idea for the next update I guess :)

July so far

We had quite a busy June I think. July has been slower but the kid had suspected food poisoning we think and it was hard. I feel it has been sickness after sickness lately and it is rather draining. For us, and also for the kid. Now we are already halfway through July, we are just trying to get by again and hoping the kid will stay healthy. As always just trying as best as we could.

1. it has been a rainy July.

2. rainbow after morning rain.

3. bright full moon(bad phone picture always :)

4. occasionally I will get a cat visitor at our front door. it will sniff around and then walk away.

5. I saw that the lemon seeds that I was trying to sprout actually sprouted so now I planted them in hopes of having them grow even more.

End June.

I was too preoccupied to not realise that I didn’t publish this post when I wrote it a few weeks ago so here it is, pictures from end June.

1. the moon during the day and a plane flying at the right moment.

2. I tried DIY-ing this diorama for O for our wedding anniversary.

3. some good sun shining in during our work from home.

4. our plant corner.

5. our attempt at strawberry lemon sorbet. it was quite good.

6. more good sun.

7. doing some school sensory activity.

till next time, m