I always like the idea of a blog. But I’m always(always) don’t think that it is necessary or that its done before so there’s no point to it but I really like the idea, so it shouldn’t really matter who reads it and I have this running website that isn’t getting much use so let’s try.
The latest idea that I have in my head now is about books. I feel like I want to write about books, especially since I really like books, even O likes books and reading and all that stuff. And now, we’re trying to raise a reader in E.
We started reading to E as soon as we had him at home with us. I remember reading to him during the day, showing him pictures even when he can’t understand us. And before bed, we would read to him. I remember the first book we read him at bedtime was Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone because that was the book I wanted to start reading then.
Now at 20 months old, E would bring us the book he wants to read. Sometimes he wants nothing to do with listening us read, instead just wants to point at the pictures and have us name it for him and lately he’s been repeating what we say too , some days he will sit quietly next to us and listen(this is the nicest).
I’ve been trying to curate for E, books that will really help with his development and still have it all fun. And also interesting to both him and us too. I think just reading to him all these books, I have learned quite a lot. Our book collection for him is definitely growing. It’s also quite hard to decide if we should get him more books or toys. But yes, I just like talking about books and reading so I’ll try to have a dedicated page on this website for that.
Till next time,