Homeschooling(kind of)

In the spirit of keeping things fun for E at home, I've been trying to kind of have a weekly/monthly theme to focus on. It's been very loose. We don't really do them every day, sometimes we do one or two days of the activity then the rest of the week, we'll have free play or just whatever E wants to do. For reading though, we'll continue with whatever theme I had planned. Mostly these days, E just wants to read so I make sure to have books ready for those themes. The library definitely comes in handy too. I think I've said it before but it has been fun looking up and borrowing books from the library. 

I wish I had known about the calendar from Raising Little Shoots : Exploring Nature with Children earlier. They have a weekly theme that you can just follow along and it's free and they also have a great community where you can get ideas on what activities to do and also book ideas. It's been great even though we just started a few weeks back. I have been following loosely some other themes from here and there but I am really trying to stick to one to lessen the stress of having too many choices. 

For week 7 June to 13 June is Honeybee. 

So far we have read a lot about honeybees. We've also been to the library to borrow more books about bees. We've done some bee related activities. I got some digital bee unit to explore with E. Etsy is a great source of printable study units. I got this Bee study unit with different activities, math or language.

We borrowed this Matisse's Garden book which have been in my mental list for a while as I am gathering resources to introduce art to E. Like an art study. It's an interesting book. E got into the book rather quickly I think mainly because of the scissor work :) and I saw matisse's artwork with bees and I thought it's a good idea so we did an activity. I told E, we're making art like Matisse by cutting out papers and making them into shapes and he was definitely into because he has been into doing scissor work for a while.

It has been fun learning about bees with E. I am looking forward to learning more with E in the coming weeks, months.

Till next time, m