update : week 3?

I have been thinking of what to write for this week’s update. I did remember to remind myself to think of a topic but I never did get around to do so. haha. So I will just share our week in pictures.

It has been a cold week. Started from last Sunday and it seems to be continuing though we did get a little bit of sun and I was definitely happy to be able to dry our laundry.

1. did a little diy with the kid with an ikea clock and some colourful threads. I saw the idea from Instagram and it was quite nice to do.

2. at the design centre.

3.. here our living room looks bright but it was actually so cold and windy that day.

4. when we actually saw the sun rised and not covered by the clouds.

5. I just noticed the contrast of light and gloominess in between the rooms. and also the sun shining.

Besides being cold all week and missing the sun, we had a short work week because of Lunar New Year. But we did manage to check out a design place and it’s nice to be able to talk to E about design since he is always asking why and how things are the way they are. Oh and I think we made a bit of a progress about school. We did two visits of preschool and have actually settled on one. If all is ok, we will start in April, a bit later than we wanted to but still progress.

well this update was more like a life update. Hopefully next week I can write more about other things.

till next time, m